MCgrid is a software package that provides access to the APPLgrid and fastNLO interpolation tools for Monte Carlo event generator codes, allowing for fast and flexible variations of scales, coupling parameters and PDFs in cutting edge leading- and next-to-leading-order QCD calculations. The software is provided as a plugin to the Rivet analysis program, allowing standard Rivet analyses to be modified to produce APPLgrids or fastNLO tables. The interface is designed primarily for use with the SHERPA event generator, and can process output directly from SHERPA v2.2.0 or later. Please acknowledge arXiv:1312.4460 when using MCgrid. If you explicitly use MCgrid 2.x features such as fastNLO support or an approximate MC@NLO treatment, you might also want to cite CPC 196 2015 617-618. Figure: Example application of the MCgrid produced APPLgrid files. The figure shows predictions for the CDF Z rapidity measurement, with replica distributions for the central scale, and variations. The red lines show individual NNPDF2.3 replicas, the black lines denoting the 1-σ contours. |